Who Can Apply for a Spouse Visa?

Who Can Apply for a Spouse Visa?

If you’re planning to join your spouse or partner in the UK, you may be wondering Who Can Apply for a Spouse Visa?. The Spouse Visa allows non-EEA nationals to live and work in the UK with their British or settled spouse or partner. In this article, we’ll explore the eligibility criteria for a Spouse Visa and provide you with a comprehensive guide on who can apply.

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Who Can Apply for a Spouse Visa?

Understanding the Spouse Visa

The Spouse Visa is a type of UK visa that allows individuals to join their spouse or partner who is either a British citizen or settled in the UK. This visa category falls under the Family Visa route and is typically granted for a period of 30 months. After this initial period, you can apply for an extension for an additional 30 months, followed by the possibility of applying for settlement.

Eligibility Criteria for a Spouse Visa

To be eligible for a Spouse Visa, you must meet the following criteria:

Age Requirement

You must be at least 18 years old to apply for a Spouse Visa.

Relationship Requirement

You must be married to or in a civil partnership or a relationship akin to marriage or civil partnership with your sponsoring partner. The relationship must be legally recognized in the UK.

Valid Marriage or Civil Partnership

You must provide evidence of a valid marriage or civil partnership recognized by UK law. This includes providing the marriage or civil partnership certificate.

Sponsorship Requirement

Your sponsoring partner must be a British citizen or settled in the UK (i.e., holding indefinite leave to remain or settled status).

Intention to Live Together

You must demonstrate that you and your sponsoring partner intend to live together permanently in the UK.

Adequate Accommodation

You must have suitable accommodation for you and your sponsoring partner, which meets the UK’s housing standards.

Financial Requirements

You and your sponsoring partner must meet the minimum income threshold, which is currently set at £18,600 per year. Additional financial requirements apply if you have dependent children.

English Language Proficiency

You must meet the English language requirement by passing an approved English language test or holding an accepted qualification.

Tuberculosis (TB) Test

If you are applying from a country requiring a TB test, you must undergo the test and provide the necessary documentation.

Applying as a Same-Sex Partner

Same-sex partners have the same rights and eligibility to apply for a Spouse Visa as opposite-sex partners. The UK recognizes and grants equal rights to same-sex relationships.

Financial Requirements for a Spouse Visa

Meeting the financial requirements is a crucial aspect of the Spouse Visa application. You and your sponsoring partner must demonstrate a minimum income threshold, which can include employment income, self-employment income, savings, pensions, and other permitted sources.

Accommodation Requirements

To meet the accommodation requirements, you must provide evidence of suitable accommodation that meets the UK’s housing standards. This includes providing details of the property, such as ownership or tenancy agreement, proof of address, and the number of rooms.

English Language Proficiency

As part of the Spouse Visa application, you need to meet the English language requirement. This can be fulfilled by passing an approved English language test at the required level or by having an accept English language qualification.

Genuine and Subsisting Relationship

One of the essential criteria for a successful Spouse Visa application is demonstrating that you

have a genuine and subsisting relationship with your sponsoring partner. This means providing evidence that your relationship is real, committed, and ongoing. Some examples of evidence include photographs together, joint financial commitments, correspondence, and statements from family and friends who can confirm the authenticity of your relationship.

Dependent Children

If you have dependent children who are not British citizens, they can be include in your Spouse Visa application. You’ll need to provide evidence of your relationship with your children and demonstrate that you have adequate accommodation and financial means to support them.


The Spouse Visa allows individuals to join their spouse or partner in the UK. To be eligible, you must meet specific requirements, including having a genuine and subsisting relationship, meeting the financial and accommodation criteria, and satisfying the English language proficiency requirement. By understanding the eligibility criteria outlined in this article, you can determine whether you qualify to apply for a Spouse Visa and begin the process of reuniting with your loved one in the UK.


  1. Can I apply for a Spouse Visa if I am in a same-sex relationship? Yes, the UK recognizes and grants equal rights to same-sex partners, allowing them to apply for a Spouse Visa.
  2. How much income do I need to meet the financial requirements for a Spouse Visa? The minimum income threshold is currently set at £18,600 per year. Additional financial requirements apply if you have dependent children.
  3. Do I need to take an English language test for a Spouse Visa? Yes, you must meet the English language requirement by passing an approved English language test or having an accepted qualification.
  4. What documents do I need to provide to demonstrate a genuine and subsisting relationship? Examples of documents include photographs together, joint financial commitments, correspondence, and statements from family and friends.
  5. Can I include my dependent children in my Spouse Visa application? Yes, dependent children who are not British citizens can be included in your Spouse Visa application, provided you can demonstrate the relationship and your ability to support them.