What is the UK Spouse Visa processing time in 2024?

UK Spouse Visa processing time

The minimum income requirements in the UK were raised from £18,600 to £29,000 by the government, with further rises scheduled to reach £34,500 and ultimately £38,700. The majority of British people will be impacted by this when it takes effect in April 2024. Contact us right now for guidance and assistance.

Overview of the UK Spouse Visa processing time

The processing time for a UK spouse visa might vary based on a number of criteria. For instance, the location from which you submit your application may affect how long you have to wait. This is due to the fact that embassy policies vary throughout nations and may require additional time to process.

The partner visa typically takes three months on average to process. But, it might only take two weeks if you apply from a certain location and demonstrate your ability to meet the standards. This kind of admission method is complicated since UKVI has to determine whether you fulfill the standards for a “genuine relationship.” It can take a lot of time to complete this. In order to verify that your connection is “genuine and subsisting,” an immigration officer will want to see proof. This implies that throughout the course of your marriage or relationship, they will carefully examine documentation of your relationship with your spouse.

What are the Standard UK Spouse Visa processing time

The Spouse visa UK processing times differ if you are within the UK and outside the UK. In general, here’s what to expect for this UK visa processing times.

CategoryProcessing time
Partner or spouse (meeting minimum income and English language requirements)8 weeks
Partner or spouse – private life (minimum income and English language not required)12 months
Parent12 months
Child8 weeks
Standard applications made from outside the UK6 months
Priority applications from outside the UK6 weeks or 30 working days
Standard applications from within the UK6-8 weeks
Super-priority applications from within the UK1 working day
Applications for spouse visas submitted from outside the United Kingdom were typically processed in three months or twelve weeks prior to May 2022. However, the Home Office stated in May 2022 that while visas for citizens of Ukraine are now given priority, applications for spouse and partner visas submitted outside of the nation may take up to 24 weeks to process.

What does the UK Spouse Visa processing time involve?

There are several different factors involved when UKVI reviews your UK Spouse Visa application.

When you submit your application, it will be passed on to an assigned immigration officer. This can take a chunk off the Spouse Visa processing time.

Once an immigration officer has received your application, your application will be reviewed and processed.

During the Spouse Visa processing time, the officer will check:

  • Your application details
  • Supporting documents
  • Evidence of your relationship
  • Financial details
  • Details of your accommodation arrangements

They will be very thorough with this, particularly when it comes to checking whether your relationship is genuine.

The application may then be passed onto a second party to be reviewed.

After this, a decision will be reached on your application, and you will receive a letter of acceptance or rejection from UKVI via post.

Eligibility for Priority Processing

Although everyone applying is eligible for UK spouse visa processing time priority service (as long as it’s available at the visa application centre), priority processing is not recommended for every applicant.

If you have had one of the following happen to you, it may be in your best interest not to explore the priority or super priority service:

  • Refused a UK visa
  • Overstayed a UK visa
  • Was deported/removed/required to leave the UK
  • Was refused leave to remain/enter the UK
  • Had leave to remain curtailed by the Home Office
  • Has a criminal record
  • Detained/interviewed/prosecuted for an offence by the police
  • Has criminal conviction that wasn’t spent.
  • Has a visa refusal for Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, or a Schengen country

For most of the above, the Home Office will need time to verify information more than the regular UK visa applications, so it’s best you don’t pay for priority service as your processing time may already take longer due to these additional factors.

Factors Affecting Spouse Visa Processing Time

Country of Application

The processing time can vary based on the country where the application is submitted. Some visa application centers may have a higher workload or stricter processing protocols, leading to longer wait times.

Completeness of Application

An incomplete or incorrectly filled application can cause delays. It’s essential to double-check all documents and ensure they meet UKVI’s standards to avoid unnecessary setbacks.

Current Workload of UKVI

The workload of UKVI can fluctuate, impacting processing times. During peak seasons or when there’s a surge in applications, processing times may lengthen.

FAQs about UK Spouse Visa Processing Time

Is there a way to guarantee a faster processing time for a spouse visa?

Unfortunately, there’s no guaranteed way to speed up the process. However, opting for priority or premium processing services can expedite the decision-making process.

Can delays in processing time be appealed?

In some cases, applicants may be able to request an expedited review if there are extenuating circumstances causing undue hardship. However, this is at the discretion of UKVI.

Does the processing time vary for different types of spouse visas?

While the general processing principles apply to all spouse visa applications, specific timelines may vary based on factors such as the applicant’s country of origin and the type of visa being applied for.

How can I track the status of my spouse visa application?

Once you’ve submitted your application, you can track its progress online using the application reference number provided by UKVI.

What should I do if my application is taking longer than the average processing time?

If your application has exceeded the average processing time, you can contact UKVI for an update on its status and inquire about any possible reasons for the delay.


The processing time for a UK spouse visa can vary based on several factors, including the country of application, the completeness of the application, and the current workload of UKVI. While the average processing time ranges from weeks to months, there are options available to expedite the process for those who need it. By understanding the process and taking proactive steps, applicants can minimize delays and move closer to reuniting with their loved ones in the UK.

To learn more about your UK Spouse Visa processing time, you can get in touch with our immigration lawyers.
Give us a call at 0161 222 5860 if you need help with your case right away. We are available to assist you in person, over the phone, or online.