UK Spouse Visa Financial Requirements 2024

UK spouse visa

  • Initial Increase: The financial requirement will leap from £18,600 to £29,000.
  • Subsequent Stages: Later in the year, the threshold will rise further to £34,500, with an eventual increase to £38,700 by early 2025.
  • Employment Income: Salaries from both the UK sponsor and the applicant, if they are employed legally in the UK.
  • Savings: Savings can supplement income, with the threshold currently set at £62,500. Post-April 11th, 2024, this will increase in line with the new financial requirements.
  • Pension: State or private pension income is considered valid.
  • Self-Employment: Profits from a business, given proper documentation is provided.
  • Rental Income: From property investments, excluding the couple’s primary residence.
  • Dividends from Investments: If consistent and verifiable.

  • In late 2023, the UK Conservative government, with a focus on reducing overall immigration figures, announced these changes as part of their strategy. The objective is to lower the annual immigration figure significantly, from over 600,000 to under 300,000.
  • The financial requirement increase is seen as a direct method to achieve this target by ensuring that only those who can demonstrate a higher level of financial stability can sponsor a spouse to join them in the UK.
  • Increased Financial Pressure: Applicants will face heightened financial scrutiny, necessitating advanced planning and financial adjustments to meet the new thresholds.
  • Selective Application Process: The higher financial requirement could lead to a more selective process, potentially reducing the number of successful applicants.

  1. Understand the Refusal Reasons: Carefully review the refusal letter from the Home Office to comprehend why the application was denied on financial grounds.
  2. Rectify Application Mistakes: If the refusal was due to incorrect information or missing documents, addressing these errors and reapplying might be a viable option.
  3. Increase Income or Savings: Explore ways to enhance your financial standing to meet or exceed the required threshold.
  4. Submit Better Evidence: If the initial application lacked sufficient evidence of meeting the financial requirement, gather more comprehensive documentation for a new application.
  5. Seek Legal Advice: Consider consulting with an immigration lawyer to understand the refusal’s specifics and the best course of action moving forward.

  • One of the most significant benefits is the unrestricted right to work in the United Kingdom. UK Spouse Visa holders can seek employment, change jobs without the need for a sponsor, or even start their own business, providing financial stability and personal growth opportunities.
  • Access to the UK’s educational system is another vital benefit. This includes eligibility for higher education courses, vocational training, and professional development programs, facilitating career advancement and personal enrichment.
  • The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) provides comprehensive healthcare coverage to Spouse Visa holders. This means access to medical treatment, hospital services, and general healthcare without significant costs, ensuring peace of mind for families.
  • After a period of living in the UK on a Spouse Visa, individuals may be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) and eventually British citizenship. This offers a long-term perspective for families to settle and integrate fully into UK society.
  • Holding a UK Spouse Visa facilitates social integration, allowing individuals to build a life, form connections, and contribute to the community, enriching the multicultural fabric of the UK.

  • Eligibility of the Sponsor: The UK based partner must be a British citizen, have Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), or have refugee status/ humanitarian protection in the UK.
  • Age Factor: Both the sponsor and the applicant must be at least 18 years old at the time of application, aligning with the UK’s legal age for marriage and partnership.
  • Genuine Relationship: Evidence must be provided to prove that the relationship is genuine and subsisting. This can include marriage certificates, joint financial documents, photographs, and communication records.
  • Living Together: There should be an intention to live together permanently in the UK, demonstrated through future plans and current living arrangements.
  • Proficiency Level: Applicants need to demonstrate a basic ability in the English language, generally at the A1 level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for initial entry.
  • Approved Tests: Taking and passing an English language test from an approved provider is necessary unless exempt (due to country of origin, age, or disability).
  • Adequate Housing: Proof of adequate and suitable accommodation for the couple and any dependents is required. This means the housing must not be overcrowded under UK standards and must meet basic living standards.
  • Evidence: Rental agreements, property deeds, and utility bills can serve as evidence of suitable accommodation.
  • Passport and Travel Documentation: Valid and current for both the applicant and the UK sponsor.
  • Proof of Relationship: Marriage certificate, cohabitation evidence, communication logs, and other documents demonstrating a genuine relationship.
  • Financial Evidence: Bank statements, salary slips, savings accounts, and other documents proving the financial requirement is met.
  • English Language Certification: Results from an approved English language test, unless exempt.
  • Accommodation Evidence: Rental contracts, property ownership documents, and council tax bills, showcasing adequate living arrangements.
  • Additional Documents: Depending on individual circumstances, other documents may be required, such as divorce certificates from previous marriages or custody documents for children.
  1. Preparation: Gather all necessary documents and ensure all requirements are met.
  2. Online Application: Complete the application form accurately and pay the required fees.
  3. Biometrics Appointment: Attend an appointment to provide fingerprints and a photograph.
  4. Document Submission: Submit the compiled documents as instructed in the application process.
  5. Decision Waiting Period: Await the decision, which can take several weeks depending on the processing times and any additional checks required.

  • Outside the UK: Typically, applications submitted from outside the UK have a processing time of up to 12 weeks.
  • Inside the UK: Applications made from within the UK usually have a quicker processing timeline, approximately 8 weeks.
  • Application Fee: The fee for applying from outside the UK is approximately £1,523, while the cost for applications within the UK is around £1,033.
  • Healthcare Surcharge: Applicants must also pay the healthcare surcharge, which grants access to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). This fee is typically around £624 per year of visa granted.
  • Insufficient Evidence: Lack of sufficient documentation to prove the relationship, financial requirements, or accommodation.
  • Application Errors: Mistakes in the application form or in the documentation provided.
  • Failure to Meet Other Requirements: Such as not meeting the English language requirement or failing to demonstrate adequate accommodation.
  • Review the Refusal Notice: Understand the specific reasons for refusal as outlined in the notice.
  • Gather Additional Evidence: If the refusal is due to insufficient evidence, gathering more comprehensive documentation is key.
  • Reapply or Appeal: Depending on the refusal reasons, you may choose to reapply with additional evidence or appeal the decision if you believe an error has been made.