Tag Archives: Immigration solicitors

UK Spouse Visa Genuine & Subsisting Relationship Requirement

spouse visa genuine relationship requirement

Introduction When applying for a UK spouse visa, it is crucial for applicants to demonstrate that they are in a genuine and subsisting relationship. This requirement ensures that their relationship is legitimate, honest, and continuous, and hasn’t been fabricated solely for immigration purposes. Unlike other visa requirements, there is no official checklist for this criteria […]

Combining Income for a UK Spouse Visa | Essential Guide

combining income

Introduction To secure a UK partner or family visa, applicants must meet the strict minimum financial requirement as outlined in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules which mandates applicants earn a minimum annual income of £29,000 (excluding the additional amount required for any child dependants on the spouse visa). In this article, we aim to […]

Can I Study While on a UK Fiancé Visa? | A Complete Legal Guide

studying on a UK fiancé visa

Key Takeaways Aspect Detail Fiancé Visa Study Rights Not permitted to study Recommended Alternative Switch to a Spouse Visa for study opportunities Immigration Advice Instructing a Solicitor is Key The UK Fiancé Visa is a very specifically designed UK immigration route that allow individuals to enter the UK with the intent to marry their UK citizen or […]

UK Spouse Visa Solicitors Manchester | Immigration-24

UK Spouse Visa Solicitors Manchester

A UK Spouse Visa solicitors Manchester is a legal professional or law firm based in Manchester, England, that specializes in assisting individuals with the application process for a UK Spouse Visa. This type of visa allows spouses or civil partners of UK residents or citizens to join them and live in the UK. Spouse visa […]

Exemptions to 2024 Spouse visa Requirements & Application Guide

2024 spouse visa

Introduction In 2024 the UK Spouse Visa is going under adjustments to not only. In this UK spouse visa guide we aim to detail and outline the new visa changes for applicants, highlighting the increase in the income thresholds and offering a more detailed overview of how to effectively manage a spouse visa application in […]

UK Spouse Visa Financial Requirement | UK-2024

Visa Financial Requirement

The financial requirements for a UK Spouse Visa are subject to change, and it’s essential to check the most recent and official guidelines. However, I can provide you with a general overview based on the information available up to that point. Meeting the minimum income requirement is critical for those applying for a Spouse Visa […]

UK Illegal Immigrants | Immigration-2024

Illegal Immigrants

In the United Kingdom, individuals who enter or stay in the country without proper authorization may be considered “illegal immigrants” or undocumented migrants. The UK has specific rules and regulations regarding immigration, and the consequences of being in the country without the correct documentation can be severe. It’s important to note that immigration laws are […]

Indefinite Leave to Remain | ILR-24

Leave to Remain

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) is a significant immigration status granted by the United Kingdom to foreign nationals, allowing them to live and work in the country without any time restrictions. Also known as settled status, ILR is a crucial milestone for individuals residing in the UK on a temporary visa for an extended period. […]

UK Family Law Solicitors | Services-24

family law solicitors

Family law encompasses many legal issues that revolve around familial relationships. It includes divorce, child custody, adoption, and more. These cases require specialized legal attention to ensure fair and just resolutions. Importance of Family Law Solicitors Family law solicitors specialize in handling cases related to family matters. Their expertise is vital in providing legal representation, […]