Tag Archives: spouse visa application

Combining Income for a UK Spouse Visa | Essential Guide

combining income

Introduction To secure a UK partner or family visa, applicants must meet the strict minimum financial requirement as outlined in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules which mandates applicants earn a minimum annual income of £29,000 (excluding the additional amount required for any child dependants on the spouse visa). In this article, we aim to […]

How to Appeal a Spouse Visa Refusal in the UK

spouse visa appeal

Obtaining a spouse visa in the UK can be intricate and difficult challenge. However, it’s important to remember that there are clear, actionable steps that you can take to contest and potentially overturn this decision, such as appealing the decision or submitting a fresh submission In this article we aim to cover the basics and […]

UK Spouse Visa Extensions

spouse visa extensions

Extending a UK Spouse Visa initial is essential for those wishing to continue residing in the UK with their partner. The extension allows for an additional 30 months of stay, crucial as the expiration date of the current visa approaches. Understanding the correct process and meeting all requirements is key to a successful application. Spouse […]

Can I Work in the UK on a Spouse Visa in 2024

work on a spouse visa

Once the partner of a British citizen or settled person has successfully applied for spouse entry clearance and have now come to the UK on a Spouse Visa to live with their partner, a common question that may be raised is weather a UK spouse visa allows the holder to work in the united kingdom. In 2024, […]

Does a Fiancé Visa Lead to ILR? | A 2024 Immigration Guide

Fiance Visa

What Is A UK Fiancé Visa? A fiancé visa, also known as a Prospective Marriage Visa, allows individuals to enter the UK for the purpose of marrying their UK-based partner. It’s a common first step for couples planning to live together in the UK. To apply for a UK Fiancé Visa, individuals must submit their […]

Can I Live in the UK If I Marry a British Citizen?

Marriage to a UK citizen

Marrying a British citizen is usually a significant milestone in someone’s life., however, a common question that entails this is: “Does marrying a British citizen automatically grant me the right to live in the UK?”? The straightforward answer is “not always”. It is a common misconception that marriage to a British national automatically grants the no-British national […]

Exemptions to 2024 Spouse visa Requirements & Application Guide

2024 spouse visa

Introduction In 2024 the UK Spouse Visa is going under adjustments to not only. In this UK spouse visa guide we aim to detail and outline the new visa changes for applicants, highlighting the increase in the income thresholds and offering a more detailed overview of how to effectively manage a spouse visa application in […]